This painting titled,” Seasons of Festivity” is a stylized depiction of festive celebration that is central to the cultural essence of both Sri Lankan and Nigerian nationalities. Its visual configuration denotes the climax of moods, frolicking and the ambience of traditional festivals. The work has a dominance of cadmium reds, oranges and their nuances with a few patches of yellow and blue, creating colour harmony to the pictorial format. The line-up of diverse circles in the middle of the painting creates a sloping movement within the visual field.  while the prominent and dominant motifs of circles and dots of the Tamil, Tiv and Igbo ethnicities are decisively deployed along with triangles, squares and other pictorial elements to enhance the background of the work. The deliberate use of white ropes in zigzag motion is creatively deployed to create animated rhythm that brings life and energy to the pictorial plain whereas luminous folds of Perspex sheets is used to create mirror reflections that focuses the eye and better still captures the glitz of traditional festive regalia and costumes.  ​​​​​​​

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